Today, Mr. Liggiland turns 33.
I think it's going to be a quiet birthday, seeing as we're both still exhausted from our trip to Italy, I seem to have picked up a touch of food poisoning on our last day in Rome, and last year we pulled out all the stops with the Firework-Erin-Mistook-for-a-Candle-and-Almost-Set-the-House-on-Fire Incident.
On the menu: Black Bottom Peanut Butter Mousse Pie from Bon Appetit's Fast Easy Fresh cookbook and dinner of some sort. We'd previously discussed going out, but we also talked about frozen pizza (we might cook it, we might not - we're wild and crazy like that). There will also be presents and plenty of time to snuggle with the Julie. And probably a trip to HEB and some laundry too. Fun times.
Happy Birthday Dennis!
Spring is coming around
1 week ago
Glad you guys are home safe and sound. Happy Birthday, Dennis!