I'm a winner! Last week, one of the blogs I read most often and get some great tips from, Addicted to Costco, hosted a contest. In exchange for listing the top five items I buy at Costco, I was entered into a drawing for a $100, $50, or $25 Costco Cash Card. Today, I got the fabulous news - I won the grand prize! A $100 Costco Cash Card, all for me! I'm literally giddy like a little kid on Christmas morning (or the last night of Hanukkah). I've never been especially lucky, although I did win $1 in a box of Cheerios as a kid (my mom let me choose the box, and I got to keep the dollar if it was a winner), and I won $50 at the slots in Las Vegas last May (we were playing on a resort slot credit, so it was completely free money). But this is a new record for me! 100 whole dollars!
Now, if you're worried that I just won't know what to do with my newfound fortune, or that I might actually spend it on something useful like groceries or household goods, don't you fret. I already have a plan. I've been desperately pining for a new digital camera to take on my upcoming trip to Italy, but funding issues have been holding me back. Not a problem anymore!
If you haven't checked out Addicted to Costco before, I recommend it. Each week Kim writes about the deals she scored during her most recent Costco trip, and reviews the quality of the items she purchased. She also reviews Costco's most recent coupon books and highlights other warehouse news and deals. Check it out!